Subject Matter Experts
Financial Literacy, Business Registration and Understanding the Legal Implications of Sole Proprietorship vs. Incorporation, Pitching, Marketing and Communications, Proposal Writing, Accessing Financing, and Understanding the Importance of Social Inclusion (youth, women and persons with disabilities) etc. Vendor Contracting, Financial Bookkeeping, Business Loan Applications, Regional and International Export, Sourcing of Machinery/Equipment, Government Concessions
As part of the Eastern Caribbean Greenpreneurs Program, we are inviting Business Development professionals from the region to share their knowledge and expertise with aspiring Greenpreneurs as volunteers. Many Greenpreneurs have expressed a need for additional training in topics such as:
Subject Matter Experts will have the opportunity to present a 1.5-hour Masterclass on a relevant topic to both our Incubator and Accelerator participants and alumnae/i. Masterclass presentations will be scheduled 1x per month starting in March 2023
Apply Now to share your knowledge and directly contribute to developing the skillsets of our up-and-coming Greenpreneurs!